歌 手:

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson好聽的歌

Scared of The Moon歌詞

Scared of The Moon

Scared of The MoonLRC歌詞
Scared of the moon 月亮之惧

Alone she lies waiting 她一人躺着 独自等待
Surrounded by gloom 昏暗围拢了她
Invaded by shadows 无数阴影在周身四处
Painting the room 弥漫至整个房间

The light from the window 窗口透来了微光
Cuts through the air 穿过空气
And pins the child lying there 映出一个躺卧的孩子
Scared of the moon 恐惧着月亮

She pulls up the covers 她拉过盖在身上的东西
And shivers in fright 于颤抖中失措惊慌
She hides from the colour 光线中充溢了缤纷色彩
That writes on the light 她却惶然逃匿
The light through the window 那光从窗口透来
That lights up the sky 正使天空泛亮
And causes her moanful cry 但她却开始嘤嘤泣漓
Scared of the moon 恐惧着月亮

There''''s nothing wrong 其实并无任何异常
Don''''t be bothered they said 也不要为别人所说而苦恼心伤
It''''s just childish fantasies 这仅是一个孩童式的幻想
Turning your head 操纵了你的意念
No need to worry 其实并不需要担心
It''''s really too soon 不快会即时消逝
But there she lies shivering 但她却在躺着颤抖
Scared of the moon 恐惧着月亮

Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon

The years go by swiftly 多少岁月转瞬即逝
And soon childhood ends 童年也很快结束了
But life is there fearful 但每逢夜暮降临
When evening descends 生命依是充满惊惧

The fear of the child 孩子如昔的惊惧
Still intrude the night 仍会在夜间袭来
Returning on beams of light 只靠借助那束微光的拯救
Scared of the moon 恐惧着月亮

The feeling of terror 惊恐的感觉
She felt as a youth 像一个孩子一样
Has turned from a fantasy 已由最初幼小的幻想
Into a truth 变成事实

The moon is the enemy 月亮就是这罪魁祸首
Twisting her soul 扭曲了她的灵魂
And taking its fearful tone 制造出生活的惊恐
Scared of the moon 恐惧着月亮

But now there are others 然而如今又有人
That sit here alone 孤独地坐于这里
And wait for the sunlight 并且期盼着阳光
To brighten their gloom 驱走他们周身的黑暗
Together they gather 他们会聚在一起
The loners see shade 孤独的人仍只看到阴暗一面
But knowing just why they''''re scared 但却明白了 他们因何而恐惧
Scared of the moon 恐惧着月亮

Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon

Scared of the moon