Once Upon A Time In The West

專輯:1張 歌曲:11點此復制給好友Hard-Fi所有歌曲
  • Once Upon A Time In The West
  • 歌手:Hard-Fi
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年09月
  • 公司:Warner Music

When it comes to anti-establishment credentials, Hard-Fi protesteth too much. Not least because Once Upon a Time in the West is a well-written, well-recorded, mainstream rock record - the thumpingly percussive 'I Shall Overcome' and the strings-laden, brass-studded 'Can't Get Along' are rousing singalongs on a par with the excellent 'Suburban Knights'. 'We Need Love' is another belter, a tune that improbably welds a disco beat to a two-tone rhythm.

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