Alchemy Of The Heart

  • Alchemy Of The Heart
  • 歌手:Esther Bertram
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年06月
  • 公司:Exil

ALCHEMY – the ancient science of transformation, is rediscovered and redefined in Esther Bertram’s latest offering ‘Alchemy of the Heart’ –
The story of the 28 year old singer-songwriter is like a gypsy’s melodic journey between the opposites – north/south, light/dark.

Esther Bertram, is an extraordinary splice of life – her father from the land of sunshine, Australia; her mother from Finland, a place of snow, peace and reflection.

These polar opposites, reveal the nature of Esther and her original music. An earthern simplicity – hot and passionate; a serene depth, tranquil and reflective. Alchemy is an elemental elixi

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