Ex Tempore

  • Ex Tempore
  • 歌手:Johnny Irion
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年08月
  • 公司:Fol Rock

Some records are made out of obligation; others are motivated by sheer desire. Ex Tempore (Rte. Eight/RCAM, street date August 7, 2007), the new album from writer/artist Johnny Irion, falls into the latter category.

The title was inspired by the rapid pace of its creation—a pace that undoubtedly contributed to the immediacy of this song cycle, a varied yet cohesive collection intermingling piano balladry, Americana, chamber pop and folk-style fingerpicking, with the occasional blast of skronky rock to clear the air.

These songs are suffused with artistic aspiration, but at the same time, Irion sounds very much like a guy whose first priority is to put food on the table, which is indeed the case; the couple is expecting a second child in August, right around Olivia’s fifth birthday. There’s a palpable sense of life being lived—its ups, its downs, its everyday rhythms—in every note and measure of Ex Tempore; you couldn’t ask more than that from a record..

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