Whatever Happened To Romance

  • Whatever Happened To Romance
  • 歌手:Victoria Hart
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年06月
  • 公司:Decca

Victoria Hart, with her natural nonchalance, her pretty looks, her disarming smile and a voice that moves men to tears, is the perfect person to herald the return of romance. Blonde, ultra-feminine, slightly retro, more than a hint of the starlet about her, Hart moves with the confidence of a woman who knows she’s being looked at.

And she's just 18-years old.

Rather than attempt new versions of the old standards, Victoria has chosen original compositions for her album - with the exception of her interpretation of the Ray Davies/Kinks classic Sunny Afternoon.

All the songs were written for or by Victoria. The lyrics are based on her unfashionably romantic view of the world (see her likes/dislikes below), set against a backdrop of pop, jazz, swing, blues – even salsa!

Victoria’s unique musical style and irresistible personality attracted some great musicians to play on her album.

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