It Is The Music

  • It Is The Music
  • 歌手:Jamie Sparks
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年05月
  • 公司:Electronic

When you turn on a Jamie Sparks track, the music will immediately begin to release tension in the neck & shoulders. As if someone were giving you a luxurious massage, the mellow tones can smooth out any uptight or anxious feelings. The tempo, chords and melodies were specially crafted and purposely designed to make you feel good.

Singer/Songwriter/Producer Jamie Sparks has been blazing trails within the industry for years. From Cherry Brook, Nova Scotia he’s traveled throughout North America touring and recording. No stranger to awards Jamie has received the Montreal's Jazz Festival's Award of Excellence, the Professional Publishers and Songwriter Award, Winner of two ECMA’s, 2 ANSMA Awards and a Juno Nomination.

Jamie's new CD "It's The Music" fully displays his unrestrained talent as a singer, songwriter, producer, and musician. Gospel influenced Soul/R&B with an old school flavor, this CD contains a broad collection of contemporary songs. The first track ALL I NEED gently ignites the listeners attention with the smooth electric piano leading into the song.

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