- Underground
- 歌手:Tehss
- 語種:英语
- 時間:2007年09月
- 公司:MVS唱片
Formed of 4 musicians originating in Nancy, TEHSS distills a music anchored in the tradition of the Rock'n'roll On the other side of the channel, and more particularly of Oxford. Engraved ballades or saturated guitars carried by an inhabited singer, the group has a repertory of songs méticuleusement polished. That one likes the rock'n'roll, or the pop one, that one likes the sound or the removed melodies, one will be found inevitably in one of the pieces of TEHSS.
As often the history begins randomly meetings, nights spent in a cellar to heat the lamps of the amplifiers, to use the cords, they will furrow the roads of Europe to the liking in the concerts. Very quickly the group dégotte some dates, in the sideboards, CIF not very frequentable' conc' and other places. The pieces are refined, shape. The idea to record a first album starts to be done day.
A re-entry which is announced right now charged, since it will be in round in France as from September. A pure voice, effective melodies posed on powerful rates/rhythms halfway involves us in an exciting universe between Coldplay and Radiohead. A universe to urgently discover in their 1st album 12 titles `Underground' which will leave in Aout 2007.