Practice Makes Progress

專輯:1張 歌曲:16點此復制給好友David Roth所有歌曲
  • Practice Makes Progress
  • 歌手:David Roth
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2010年09月
  • 公司:David Roth

NEW from David Roth - “Practice Makes Progress” - his latest enhanced CD of “easy-listening-protest-music” has 16 original songs plus a video of the title cut covering a wide variety of subjects from poignant to political, holistic, historical, and hilarious. Co-produced in Louisville with Grammy-nominee Fred Bogert, the songs touch on a songwriter’s life, media obsession with celebrities, accelerated learning models, personal growth through cancer, Ghandi’s introduction of civil disobedience to the world on September 11th, 1906, gratitude, an extraordinary story of a clean-up effort in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, a humorous country-western take on relationships, history of the space program, the celebration of imperfection, one family's story of Middle East conflict resolution, a visit to Panama, appreciation of small treasures, a song for Cindy Sheehan, a co-write with 92 third-graders on the theme of living together in peace, and a ukulele lullaby.

"David and his music will touch you to the very depths of your soul. He’ll make you laugh and cry, inspire you to rise and fly..." Jack Canfield, co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul.

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