No Name Face
- No Name Face
- 歌手:Lifehouse
- 語種:英语
- 時間:2000年01月
- 公司:GR唱片
对于年轻的摇滚乐队来说,要想被人们关注的最佳途径,便是创作那些适合在电台(包括校园电台)播放的作品,Lifehouse做到了这点,他们的首张专辑《No NameFace》正是这样一张极具潜力的符合这一规律的专辑。当这支乐队平静时,他们的音乐与Live等乐队没什么两样。从专辑的第一张单曲“Hangingby aMoment”、充满激情的“Quasimodo”,到极为精彩的“Trying”,Lifehouse正是以他们的冷静与自信引起了人们的关注。乐队主唱兼吉他手JasonWade也是歌曲的创作者,这位外交官的儿子所创作的作品中充满了个性化色彩,但听起来并不觉得凝重、低沉,这些歌曲更像是一位游吟诗人颇具权威的经典之作。Wade的演唱极为深情,而他的嗓音像是Rob Thomas和Scott Stapp这两个极端的结合,这在当今的乐坛并不多见。这张《NoName Face》的制作人是Brendan O'Brien,他曾为PearlJam等乐队制作过多张经典专辑,O'Brien总是最大限度地保持乐队演绎的原貌,只是在音质上进行细微的处理,而不去删剪音乐本身,这使得Lifehouse的这张专辑更加完整地表现出他们的创作意图。
No Name Face is the debut album by the rock band Lifehouse. It was released on October 31, 2000, and it produced the hit "Hanging by a Moment" which went on to be the most played song on radio the following year.[1] This album launched Lifehouse into the limelight, and produced many radio-friendly hits. More than many of their rock contemporaries, No Name Face is primarily chorus-driven; each verse is merely a steady build up to a powerful (often electric guitar-driven) refrain.
Lead singer and songwriter Jason Wade originally formed Lifehouse as a church rock band, and often performed for church worship services before signing to the commercial record label DreamWorks.