
專輯:1張 歌曲:11點此復制給好友Boy Genius所有歌曲
  • Anchorage
  • 歌手:Boy Genius
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2008年07月
  • 公司:Self-Released

What people are saying about Boy Genius:

"Sounds like..."Harborcoat" era R.E.M. 23 years ago, only with orchestral trumpets added. Keep a watch."
- Jack Rabid, The Big Take Over

"A quintessential American college radio band."
- Indie MP3

""Radio Silence" is a classic in waiting..."
- MP3 Hugger

"On their debut EP Eureka, Boy Genius offer five simple tracks of indie pop that contains enough energy, excitement and talent to entice your interest and keep you going until their full length arrives later this year."
- The Fire Note

"like the Feelies, the songs begin slow, soft, and low-key and build into symphonic anthems."
- Jersey Beat

"This is one of those CDs where you think, upon first listen, "These guys are pretty good." And you spin it again and think, "God, this is a really great band."
- Electric Sailor

""Radio Silence" reminds me of something I'd have taped off the radio about ten years, listened to repeatedly then spent two hours calling up the radio station asking for a request."
- Alex Loves You & Your Silly Pop Songs

"truly an "indie-pop" ensemble that evokes R.E.M.'s older material, Voxtrot on a good night, and some early New Pornographers demos"
- BiBaBiDi

"Boy Genius has the same no-fuss charm that characterized a lot of 80s college rock: simple hooks, harmonies and melodies, ringing guitars - reliable stuff"
- Time Out New York

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