Wake Up Wake Up

  • Wake Up Wake Up
  • 歌手:Everyday Sunday
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年05月
  • 公司:Inpop

乐队的第3张专辑,主打歌Wake Up! Wake Up!在全美各大电台都取得不俗的成绩。曲风趋于流行化,没什么特点,缺乏个性。但是歌曲还算好听。

不了解这支4人乐队,只觉得这张听起来满开心的。Punk-pop,可能不是太与众不同,但是很讨我喜欢的。我就喜欢这样的充满活力的帅帅的 PUNK乐队,总是最迷人。

The beginning of Everyday Sunday's new album Wake Up!Wake Up!This is a perfect metaphor for their career thus far. Starting off slowly, but with energy and potential, the opening track, "Let's Go Back," builds and builds until it breaks.

With their debut release on Inpop Records and their third release nationwide looming, Everyday Sunday found themselves at this breaking point with either a complete success or a complete flop in their hands.

Everyday Sunday hasn't been the most popular band, yet what ill can you speak about a group of guys that put so much into what they do? With Wake Up! Wake Up!, the band has matured musically and lyrically in such a way that undoubtedly they are at the top of their career so far with the release of this album

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